
Steam Traps

Steam Traps Are you looking for a Suitable Supplier for Steam Traps? Various Steam Traps Steam Trapsstandards full range,fast delivery, contact Global Steel & Engg for all types of Steam Traps. , Steam Traps suppliers with a wide range of Stainles Steel Steam Traps, Bronze Steam Traps, Cast Steel Steam Traps, Cast Iron Steam Traps, The strength of our company lies in the strength of personnel who produce quality work. We believe in cohesiveness and team effort. The company is following the policy of continuous up-gradation of technology and processes while maintaining its cost effectiveness by making optimum use of its resources and goodwill.
Thermodynamic steam trap that we offer is available with an inbuilt strainer with complete stainless steel construction. These are best suited for mainline drains, header and drop legs. This trap is provided with screwed ends and is suitable upto pressure 36 bar & temperature upto 425°C.

Salient features are as follows:

  • Complete stainless steel construction ensures better mechanical and corrosion resistant properties.
  • The disc and seat, hardened by induction hardening process to about 45 RC to enable withstand continuous water hammering condition.
  • Seat integral part of the body eliminates leakage – prone joints and gaskets.
  • Condensate entry below the disc concentric to disc/seat ensures dean and parallel lift of disc with reference to seat, eliminating any localized wear and tear.
  • An inbuilt strainer screen of adequately large area ensures long and trouble free operation
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