dairy fittings
Beerwort Oxygenation Unit
This Beerwort Oxygenation Unit device can make quentitative determination for eseptic air, and also make it evenly dissolved in beaming. and Me entss device fully cleaned, can gel Me resull ol missal dead space. which can make Iseerwon reach Me oxygen confess ihet needed flY merssinclss of yeast. in addl., a can adjust and cussrol tha oxygen conssnt as users demand ,thus. it can make eass ye. morass” grow and reproduce anti Impress yeasi quality The Ventussube used to suck dissolve !memo, the minor used lo observe the gate of oxygenalon ol beenvort assptic Mr liner Miss n futi aseptic air-controlled pressure gauge. pressure woe: o-possess. air adjusting valve used lo adjusting air now: air Now meter used lo measure air flow.